Friday, October 24, 2008

Old Friends

I think that I tend to hold on to old friends more than some. I get attached to people...not in a creepy stalker way, but in a connected way. I am always sad to see friends and acquaintances move on. I am the one that remembers birthdays from long ago people in my life. I am the one with vivid, technicolor memories of every detail about what was said, worn, thought, eaten, surrounding, decorating etc.

I think my attachments come from a place of shyness and a reluctance to make myself vulnerable and meet new people. I often was mistaken for clique-ish, when in reality, I was terrified.

I don't know why I often think of people I 'used to know' and wonder where they are, what they are doing, how they have fared. I wonder if they ever wonder about me. Maybe it's weird, but I think people who move on and never look back are weird.

I think looking back can give us perspective.

Today, out of the blue, I got a friend request from the first boyfriend I ever had. I was 16 years old and convinced that I would live my life alone because of my shyness and he was the one that broke the ice. He also broke my heart...sort of.

Looking back with the perspective of a woman that has lived through horrors not even imagined to that silly girl I used to be, I know that I was very naive and irrationally afraid of the opposite gender.

I now have friends of both genders, a husband I am crazy about, an ex-husband I can get along with if I must and I value friendship above many other things. I can think of this boy, now a grown man, and be grateful for his friendship and the effort he took to find me on facebook. It feels sort of nostalgic and warming. I now know that at least one person has wondered at least for one moment..."what ever happened to Michelle?"

Thanks Shon, you made my day.


Vellanova said...

Pretty sure you were 17 and he was they shy one.

Anonymous said...

I probably have old journals somewhere. You could be right, I might have been 17. Two teenagers afraid to look each other in the eye didn't have much of a future! :-)